Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What an idiot!

"ARROGANT love rat ASHLEY COLE allegedly told one of his conquests: “I don’t need to wear a condom because Chelsea give us check-ups.” "
Ok so im not one who will normally take any notice of what the Sun newspaper has to say about the world... but i saw a link at the bottom of a msn convo and i had to read...
It would see that Ashley Cole aged 23 seems it ok to not use a condom while sleeping about...
I am shocked by this frame of mind... from when i was in school i have learnt that if you are sleeping with someone then to reduce the chances of a baby being made... or catching something the condoms are the best way to be safe.
So many people admire and look up to footballers in these generations, and have done for some time, if they are in the limelight more and more shouldnt they be reminded that they have a role model status... and with that they have a responsiblity to ensure what the are promoting is healthy...
in a world where more and more look at 'celebrity' for how to live our lives, when we have teen pregancies and sexual transmitted infection/deises are still at a high. We all have a reponsiblity to help each other...
In a role where I may influence young people, and as a Christian i wish to show God's love in my life... how i live my life is important because it effects all the people around me... youth worker, tesco worker, nurse, binman... we all have a social reasponsiblity to help the people around us... our culture is a mess... we need to help build up and affirm and where nesseary show example.
Ashley Cole like so many others chooses to 'sleep' around (according to the papers) is this a good enough example for himself and us? Let alone the stupidity to not act safely.
rant over...
LISTENING TO- BBC eastenders iplayer

Friday, January 25, 2008

Yet more thinking...

So my last blog was ranty... and i am sure not many made it to the end...

and thats fine... i have in fact been thinking of deleting it... but at this moment it stays... for now anways!

So it has been playing on my mind of late, the whole different person with different people... and i am sure if i was to look back over the year of blogs this would have been meantioned long before this week...

On wednesday he guy who took us for our Pastral Theology leacture, highlighted the balance we walk... that in one role- maybe a aprofessional one we have one set of rules and guidelines that dictate how we act and react... and that our personal morals while in our mind at all time can only come out and in practice at the right setting... if they are conflicting i guess...

So this has made me wonder if the two situations... of behaving differently (albeit small outward differents at times) in social groups and how i could act if i was under an organisation that acted differently to how i would and i conformed...

Do i (and all of us) live under social rules dependant of who we are with? If this connected to my faith? Or in fact is it something that we do natureally to be a part of the grouping?

I dont see it a danger... indeed you would lose your job if you didnt comply with a job's ethical standing... but if we find these rules of friendships within a group... can they be changed... and can one person change them or is it a group dyanmic that owns them...



LISTENING TO: begin again by space

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So its time i put down what i am thinking...

I have gotten out of the general process of my random blogging... and so with a little encouragement here i will start again...
I ask all readers to remember this is just my thoughts and unless i name check anyone i am normally responsible for what has been writen... but i would like to also remind you that i am ready to be challenged and my mind to be changed... in fact please do, no one writes something for it to be forgot or not meant for a purpose... i want to speak aloud what i am thinking to then allow anyone else who comes across is to maybe give their point of view... i never wish to think alone... :)

so... what have i been thinking about?
apart from my disseration for uni... which no doubt i will come across at some point on here... many many other things... but for now i will just choose one topic...

I have been thinking a lot about how we engage with one another, how we make choices about out friendship groups and how we act when we are with other people... i have been questioning if i am the 'same' person in different groups of people...

the answer is simple in one way... yes i am... and i guess what i want to highlight is how different people bring out different sides of us... just like someone can rub you up the wrong way... we must have people to make us happy or interact in a different way... does this matter?

I have offten wondered if it does, as a Christian i have always felt i should have some level of similarity of who i am and how i behave with all the people around me. i am a child of God and therefore a witness of his love... and therefore my actions are representing that... but at the same time i am still different in the tiny details... hmmm...

maybe it is the the core of me that matters... my moral and ethical standing shouldnt change... or at least that is a part of my own moral standing that i provide the same standard of action in all situations... maybe this is why i am finding a clash, that in different situations i am unable to provide the same amount of ethical reaction and so i find myself question if i am being genuine?

this is no slur on my friendships groups, all of whom i love... or i wouldnt be within the groups... (its important to me i am honest... so if i wasnt with genuine friends then that would be a lie etc etc)...

the other part of this thought process was how being in a couple... being in a relationship makes us change according to the person we are with... now the reason i think i am reflecting on this out of obervations i have made... having never been in an offical relationship and couple status i am unable to know from personal experience the motives of why people act like they do...

i was thinking on how it seems the trend for couples to go out with other couples exclusivly... its in films, TV and i have many friends who seek to go out with other couples... now while there is an element of singledom wonderings here... its mostly out of not understanding it...

i have had suggestions that couples like to do things together (as in two or more pairs of couples) as then they dont need to worry about the any other feeling uncoupled... suggestions of couples go out and will not feel bad if they only talk to their other half cos then the other couple can talk together without worry... and the suggestion that its good to have the couplehood in common with another couple... so the girls can be girls and guys and be guys together in a 'safe' setting...

these are good ideas... and i certainly do not dismiss them... but i still dont get why the company of one person is not good enough... or at least it seems... maybe this is something i just wont get until the rare day i find myself off the shelf of singleness...

it really does make me ponder just how as human being we interact with each other and the motives... hmmm

i have gone on long enough... sorry to anyone who has made it this far!


LISTENING TO: The Unshockable by Maximo Park

One of the best things of the summer in 2007...

2007 Hill House Camp Week 2-007...

The week when fruit, veg, and cans werent safe...

Oh the fun!
