Thursday, April 17, 2008

Avoidance for just a few moments...

So while i am deep in dissertation land... which i am loving and hating at the same time, i cant really spend time blogging... but i thought while i look for facts on animals for work tomorrow... when i will be Mrs Noah for the day... :) i would write up what i have been thinking about of late...

While there are a million and one things i have been thinking on... this is just one...

How amazing silence is... silence_3

Over the last few weeks i have been changing my location for study daily, this way i cant get distracted by being bored... this is the way my mind works so bear with that one!

And i found myself at the mall in bristol... after an hour and a half study it was lunch time so moved my study to Pizza hut... cheapish food and means i can still shut out most things!

Sat by myself i am able to continue to read, but i as i was eating and reading books they i did not own i stopped and took up a favourite hobby... people watching... the couple next to me faced each other, they were an older couple, i could work out if they were married... but it was clear that they were comfortable with each other... they silence told me.

It wasnt the kind of silence you have then you know someone should be saying something, there were just happy to share the space with each other... nothing amazing happened, no amazing acts of love declaration nor anything leading to a fight, just simple smiles...

Its funny, i only have this with very few people, the closest of my friends are able to sit with me for times when we dont need to say anything... normally i can be scanning my mind for some funny or witty line to say ...

i am learning more and more the value of silence, and look at just how much time i want to fill with noise, some would say it was distraction, but i just think its company...

I have been in two services lately where it has been a time for silence... and it has happened... either the person leading then tramps all over it with praying aloud... or the music kicks back in so fast you havent even had a change to smile towards God let alone hear anything...

My life is crazy at the moment... but i know that silence is something i need to grab a hold of again, that i need to take that time out and just simply be... to just simply listen...

Any yet that date for that to happen gets pushed back... further and further...

Makes we wonder what we choose to avoid and what we really need to do to stop pushing it back...

Maybe we need a new years resolution every month?


LISTENING TO- The ting tings- Local DJ