We have been in our house for 3 months now… kinda scary how the time just fades away, but our time here is going very well, this is home…
last weekend i needed to mow the lawn, but i really didn’t feel like making much of an effort with how i looked, i knew i was in tidy mode and likely to get a sweat on as well as a little messy. So on with the joggers, old t-shirt and on with the household jobs.
As i was fighting with the lawn mower in the front garden i saw one of my neighbours walk past, he slowed now and so, being a polite lady i stopped the machine and walked a little close to him to say hi…
our conversation wasn’t particularity deep, mostly about university, study and holidays… but it was nice to have a little chat.
after he left i realised just how rough i was looking… hair pulled back and looking massively greasy, no make up and rocking the tired look oh so well, just to top that i had the red shiny glow of an unfit person actually working…
While i was cringing inside of the mess he must have witnessed i pondered upon just how he didn’t react, this being said i doubt many would point out the grossness of my Saturday afternoon look, but he gave no concern at all… was nice to not feel judged…
Then i realised this is what it means to be a turn neighbour- not one that ignores how rough someone looks, but now i was totally honest in how i looked- being a neighbour holds that total honesty.
now of course by neighbour i do not mean the street you live in, but the friends, people and world around…
to be a good neighbour is to have a the mask removed and to be genuinely honest with all who you engage with.
Easier said than done at times i know, but one that makes the world so much better never the less…
Listening to: Daniel Beddingfield- he dont live you like i love you