Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Something to chew over...


it's interesting... there has been some concern over something that seems to affirm my faith.
Derren Brown's miracles for sale was on the tv a few evenings ago... in summary he highlighted the damaging, controlling and fraudulent actions of people who say they can heal in the name of God.

There are two things that seem to be
going on...

How Derren went about proving the fraud


The fact that these actions of fraud could have created an avenue for people to have a faith in God... of course when you invest in something that then is revealed as a fake then it's
only logical the faith could be destroyed.

From my point of view all the TV program showed me was that when God heals, performs miracles, it's Him. Not the hype, not a person shouting, waving their hands or doing anything else. It's God.

I have been in healing services and heard from street teams healing on the go and I can honestly say hand of heart and faith rooted deep that these are NOT part of the same wave of fraud and manipulation that has been happening over the sea in America.

I need to declare that I believe I have been healed. It was from this experience that I can honestly say, know and understand from both side of the believe and unbelievingly side of the fence.

I admit, before last summer I have heard of healings but had a level of scepticism.
My witness of healing services are nothing like the ones we saw on TV with Derren. The impact upon simply asking God to come and not demand is one of grace and amazement. Witnessing the call of recognising a healing is no person in the room but God is an honour. But biggest of all, feeling the difference of God's power on me physically without the hype... the shouting, demands and trickery of mind suggestion.

These all lead me to see that the Derren show calls us into action and recognition that we are not God, but we are his people...

There is a call to see that to follow God is not a place of self worship, praise or gain.

There is a call to see that our place is to simply come and trust in our loving God.

There is a call to see that anyone who is abusing God's name, taking advantage of the sick and creating opportunities for selfish gain and take a stand, to put right the injustice... TO TURN OVER THE TABLES OF THE MONEY CHANGERS IN THE TEMPLE.

Derren's TV show has shown one modern day abuse of Gods temple... and now we should help others to see it's a humans fault and not God's.

Once again God can heal and man can destroy...


listening to: Joubert Singers- stand on the word.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


I’ve been quiet on here because there are many things happening I can’t quite make public, some have been great and exciting while others not so great and just plain difficult…

And while i am still unable to share the many things happening with the world wide web i can give you my reflections i have had as a consequence.


What i am thinking more and more on is honesty.


A principle i hold so close to my heart. Ironically i can not be honest on here as there are elements in my life that needs to remain quiet for now! But I plague myself quite a lot if i feel i haven't been honest enough, what i mean i guess if i have held something back when i should have said it… But then on the other hand i also am careful with what i do say so not to offend or to put out an other.

Today someone made me cry because they were honest. They told me something i didn't want to hear and it upset me. It wasn’t a criticism and they were not being rude to me. They needed to be straight about a situation and as a result it hurt me.

I value their honesty, i would have hated to be lied to in that situation… but it hurts.

The truth hurts… but we can not and should not shy away from it…

There are whole dynamics in our lives that we choose to fight to remain separate or secret. There is information we know on others that we shouldn’t. There are parts of us we hold no accountability to others for.

But when should the truth be told? Even if it comes at a cost?

The hurt from today’s conversation will pass and by Thursday i will be fine… but right here right now… the sucker punch hurts, a lot. Its never easy to be the person to hear difficult truth, but also to give it would seem.

To know you will hurt someone is hard. Something we would all shy away from I would hope. But then there is a cost of cover up, deceit and just plain lies.

The cost of honesty, truth seeking and listening to what you are being told as well as what you are saying is massive. Something that needs to be built, maybe we would be so fearful if we knew it was how everyone else sort to behave?

The film ‘The Invention of Lying’ shows a picture of everyone being massively rude and horribly blunt because they aren’t lying. I’m not sure a world with honesty would be that harsh… but may our yes be yes and our no be no.


Listening to Muse: knights of cydonia