Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Yay... new hair!....
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Burns night...

I wrote this blog yesterday... but the picture would upload as i think the college doesnt let me!
however it means i can update with party happenings.... well i ate hagis, which isnt as bad as you think, but i will be leaving it to once a year to eating it! We had a very funny game of balderdash...many things can not be repeated aloud but still a very funny evening, which was topped off with em's friend pete having a tash drawn on him with a permement marker! (the cost was em having a very gross hagis 'kiss' -basically having her face covered in half chewed hagis licked on her cheaks! the minger)
LISTENING TO- em list her friends online and all their pictures
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Just to let you know...
Saturday, January 20, 2007
could this be the cutest puppy ever?...

LISTENING TO- The Beatles, Its all too much
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I think i drowned this weekend...
and i have had a few heavy going times of my life...
I have been to a training weekend with the fabulous people of Hill House camps... and while i am still feeling worse for wear... fragile... and unsteady... i know i have been blessed...
An amzing lady and a wonerful friend Cat took the sessions to challenge each of us as leaders to make sure we are spiritually prepared for our roles on camp... we work with young people and their lives, if we arent looking after our own how can we start to interact with others? (another whole new blog topic there) So the theme was purity...
And OH has God gotten on to my case!
Now i need to evolve you knowing a lil bit more of me than i normally post... and some of this wont make sense as you will not have the whole picture but i want to pass on what i am going though and learning...
I have stuff up and gone wrong in my life in my past (havent we all?!) and i have still carried so much of that around with me as guilt, thinking that i need to hold on to the rubbish as part if my idenity... while i know this isnt how salvation in Jesus works... sometimes it takes a little while for us to tag on.
Over the course of the past 7 days i have been placed in many situations to talk to many people about very personal stuff both happening in my life and in my head... It would seem that God needs to send me massive great big helping hints in my walk with him in my life...
Last weekend was the end (or another start) to healing from a certain situation i have been wounded from for a long time now. Its is wonerfully scary just how God links up and makes sure that everything is in the right place for just the right time. Part of my healing required me to stop or move on from a friendship... i had not spoken to this friend for well over 2 years, but we have gotten in contact for about a week, just before i went away to Hill House... this reuniting was a lil scary and i wasnt too sure what was going to come of it... but that i didnt want it to ruin or get in the way of my relationship with God...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
This week i have been mostly...

This week i have also mostly been wishing i was on a warm beach
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Ok it took me a long time...
I am loving the fact the amzing person who took the picture managed to getthe flash in the in mirror!! Such tallent!