i am now the owner of a webcam...

I know i am vain, many a time has my dad sung at my 'your so vain' from across a room when he catches me looking in a mirror for the millionth time... but has this taken it a lil far... i can video myself type... work... and bore myself with trying to smile continually while others watch me during a conversation...
But is this a chance to bring more of a reality to my online life... i try to put as many pictures as i can when i blog... but i have made sure they are the nice ones i like... with a webcam i have to allow the watcher to see my double chin (its only there when i tilt my head down honest!) or the fact i havent done my make up today... well i dont have to allow it... but if someone spoke to me right now that its what they would get.
I have huge issues with online life... the fact we can play at making up the best bits of ourselves and trying to cut and paste out the bits we dont like... it has cost me a lot in the past... and yet i am still here... is it my quest to be as real as possible... in the hope others will do the same??
How can we be 100% honest online? I dont know anyone who wants to point out their faults... but life isnt as simple... if the internet is really becoming a part of our lives, should be ask what do we project about oursleves both in real life and online... not only should we ask do these match up... but what are we missing out or avoiding? We can hide things from ourselves in real life... shouldnt the challenge be to make sure we are realistic in ALL areas of life...

Who are we?
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