Friday, July 04, 2008

Just a quick one...

So its been a while since my last blog... but thought it was time to update...

It would seem lots and yet nothing has happened in the last month or two...

Uni is over

New job is on the horizon

New home is in progress (ish)

Friendships are changing

All of these stations make me think and re-think what i know and hold dear, uni is finished and it has been 6 years and two degree in the making... but i will take my first steps into the big wide world very soon...

My friendship group is changing... well moving, my uni friends are all being grown up and getting jobs and most take them further away than they were already... but i am sure new people and new adventures will still be cropping up in my life!

Congratulations to my two very good and amazingly fantastic friends Jenny and Ash on the wedding last weekend... it was an honour to do the address and have a fantastic time making people cry by talking about love muah ha ha!... but really it was a lovely day :D May you have the best marriage in the world... until its my turn of course! :P (and then we will be two happy happy couples!)

Right before i get caught up and late for work...

just a few pics to highlight my few weeks...

duke may 08 068

beth and duke june 08 008

beth and duke june 08 040

beth and duke june 08 080

Jens Hen june 08 044 


holz hen 052

mayer 021

last CYM 034 - Copy



love to all you readers


LISTENING TO: Wake up Scarlet by Duke Special

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