Monday, July 17, 2006

not sure what i will say...

so i have noticed i havent really said much on here lately, mostly been in awe of MUSE.

still am really, just a truely beautiful album.

Still on the MUSE line... their 6th track 'invincible'...
This track just plain and simply gives me the vision of the church.
The song lyics are
'there is no one like you in the universe' (God?),
'dont be afaid of what you think stand up for what you believe for tonight we are invincible', 'please use this chance to say what we truely know', what ever they say your soul is unbreakable',
'tearing the struggle, they will pull us down, but please please lets use this chance to turn this around, for tonight we can say together we are invincible'

This is just a quick listen and type job, but the message it simple.

While it might have been writen for a couple, a partnership but i can only hear how a group of people who with the power of the holy spirit can stand united under God. Something which can never be broken. It has been the sunday school aniversary this past weekend at my church, the theme had been living in harmony, this is indeed a difficult place to be. Harmony is something we can not really grasb as sinful natured humans, selfishness is our centre. But within our churches we can start to build up each other to be in harmony with each other, helping one another to see the good and help the wrong be righted for the true to continually set us free. For this to then spead into our communities and the world!

The Church needs to stand united in God, in the harmony He can bring, for my tonight we say we are truely invincible!


1 comment:

Em said...

Wow you know Muse it really cleanses my soul!