Monday, May 28, 2007

ok honesty time...

so most of the people who read this will know what fieldwork is...

for those who do not... basically its to show i am able to be a youth worker by writing what seems like a million essays about different youth workery subjects...

so here is where i am honest, which will hopefully mean i will get on with my work... not that i am having a problem, i know what ive got to do, but i would like to celebrate each mini victory....

i have 5 journals left and one Directed Task left to do, and it would be great to finish it by my final fieldtutor meeting... on the 4th june... one week away...

i WILL get it done... but i will update when i get closer to my victory!

i realise i am losing time writing this... but i feel it is important to show my true emosion when i am able... however as a personal rule i try not to swear on my blog... please insert appropreiate words here____________________


LISTENING TO- the tyranny of ducks by eddie izzard

1 comment:

Em said...

dont worry fee i Fu*king hate fieldwork too!!