And I hope that this commercialised day of cards, flowers and chocolate finds something meaningful to you.
At the moment in time I am in a daze... having just had 4 days of busyness... Cardiff, Oxford and Bristol tour of lectures is hard work and somewhat took the shine off what were good lectures... but you can’t have everything eh?! And so today was meant for a day of getting on with my dissertation... however I have managed to er... complete zero of my tasks other than cook potatoes for the group I have this evening. The tiredness set in and so nothing has been possible...
I have a habit of over thinking things or making things far bigger than they really are in reality...
It’s frustrating, I would love to let things go, or not worry about things, but it just doesn’t happen. I leave them with God after super gluing them to my hand... how can I expect God to give me the desires of my heart when I either don’t know what they are or I don’t trust enough to just leave alone and wait?
I am currently trying to up my bible reading; I want to be one of those amazingly blessed people who simply breathe out the word of God... and with God’s help and me reading more I want to make my life to be enriched with his word...
I knew that (somewhere) in the Psalms it is written that God may make our desires done...
Psalm 20:4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
And I found it looking up one of my favourite sites, but then I wanted to know what else did the bible say when it came to desire...
Psalm 73:25Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
Job 13:3But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God.
Romans 9:16It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
Psalm 40:8I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."
These are just for examples from well over 100 hits for desire... and while we can read on face value, I hold dear to the fact we must read in context (both of the writing in which it is placed, and the cultural context it was written).
These last four texts are about seeking God’s will, God’s desire in our lives. And in a way that is part of the core of the Christian faith, seeking and living the way God’s desires for us, not that we are to live boring lives, but to be liberated in the fact we can live in a way we were created and not be trapped by the natures that can weight us down so easily.
In the context then looking back at Psalm 20:4 it is a prayer over someone else, that God will look after the person is it being spoken over, that God will bless them and keep them, protect and strengthen.
The desires of my heart then should be in keeping with God’s will for my life... after all that is the best way for my life. I cannot just simply rest on what I want and think I need and then beg my ‘daddy’ for it till he gives in. I need to learn to how to seek His will and see what he has planned for me and ask that to be my desire.
I write this and it is nothing new to me, in fact it’s flipping hard. Living in this world full of living for the now and new, along with the expectancy of what you want is ‘rightfully’ yours... It is easy to grow to want that more and more.
And that is where I am, I don’t claim to have the answers for me or anyone else, but I do know and right now is the only thing I can hold onto is the fact the Creator God does want what is best for me... and while I have a paddy about not wanting to listen so I can run off to my own desires (although I know it will be damaging to me)... I can still keep the balance for knowing this.

LISTENING TO- Falling by TD Lind
I need to thank God, while I am not all that happy about it, he is working in other people’s lives to make sure I am blessed and keep on track...
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